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Nishnawbe-Aski: The People and the Land

1977 27 min
Dernière chance

This short documentary addresses the issue of change, and how it is affecting the Cree and Ojibwa of the Nishnawbe-Aski region. Four of their communities have been selected to illustrate the different ways in which the inhabitants are reacting to change. An enlightening film for anyone interested in northern development or the evolution of Indigenous societies.

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Nishnawbe-Aski: The People and the Land


This short documentary addresses the issue of change, and how it is affecting the Cree and Ojibwa of the Nishnawbe-Aski region. Four of their communities have been selected to illustrate the different ways in which the inhabitants are reacting to change. An enlightening film for anyone interested in northern development or the evolution of Indigenous societies.

  • réalisateur
    Phyllis Wilson
  • photographie
    Graeme Ferguson
  • montage
    Brenda Gibson
  • son
    Phyllis Wilson
  • musique
    Vern Cheechoo
  • animation
    Nelvana Ltd.
  • graphiques
    Val Teodori
  • commentaire
    Heather Ross
  • narration
    Phyllis Wilson
  • enregistrement additionnel
    Spence-Thomas Productions
  • ré-enregistrement
    Michel Descombes
  • administrateur de plateau
    Lise Turcot
  • producteur
    John N. Smith
    Graeme Ferguson
  • producteur exécutif
    Don Hopkins

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Nishnawbe-Aski: The People and the Land
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