This feature documentary profiles an Indigenous community coming to terms with a legacy of sexual abuse, incest and family violence. The film follows the Ditidaht First Nation over a seven-year period, after a respected elder is found guilty of sexual assault. Award-winning filmmaker Maurice Bulbulian records the community's stories, becoming a part of their healing process. With the hope and courage of participants, the powerful interviews in this film play a key role in helping the community overcome the cycle of abuse. The continuing, devastating effects of the residential school system are also revealed; in this system, physical, emotional and …
This feature documentary profiles an Indigenous community coming to terms with a legacy of sexual abuse, incest and family violence. The film follows the Ditidaht First Nation over a seven-year period, after a respected elder is found guilty of sexual assault. Award-winning filmmaker Maurice Bulbulian records the community's stories, becoming a part of their healing process. With the hope and courage of participants, the powerful interviews in this film play a key role in helping the community overcome the cycle of abuse. The continuing, devastating effects of the residential school system are also revealed; in this system, physical, emotional and sexual abuse were all too often routine. The Nitinaht Chronicles contains strong language, including graphic sexual detail. Please preview before showing to an audience.
Ce documentaire, qui donne matière à réflexion et favorise les discussions poussées sur la violence sexuelle, s’adresse à des étudiants adultes, notamment ceux qui font des études de cas au niveau universitaire. Effectuez une recherche sur les progrès réalisés à Nitinaht depuis 1997. A-t-on mis fin au cycle de la violence? Quels facteurs ont favorisé ou entravé la guérison de la communauté et comment pourrait-on agir sur ces facteurs? Quelles autres formes de dédommagement, de justice, de punition ou de guérison auraient pu être efficaces à Nitinaht, et pourquoi? Comparez le cas de Nitinaht à celui d’autres communautés ou cultures aux prises avec un héritage de violence et dégagez les similitudes et les contrastes.