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No Apple for Johnny

1977 9 min
Dernière chance

This animated short is the visual enactment of the year-long obstacle course run by a teacher trainee. Rich in humor and anecdote, it is a comedy of educational manners seen through the autobiographical and unflinching eye of the trainee-turned-filmmaker.

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No Apple for Johnny


This animated short is the visual enactment of the year-long obstacle course run by a teacher trainee. Rich in humor and anecdote, it is a comedy of educational manners seen through the autobiographical and unflinching eye of the trainee-turned-filmmaker.

  • réalisateur
    John Weldon
  • écriture
    John Weldon
  • animation
    John Weldon
  • producteur
    Wolf Koenig
    Dorothy Courtois
  • producteur exécutif
    Robert Verrall
  • caméra d'animation
    Jacques Avoine
  • montage sonore
    Bernard Bordeleau
  • ré-enregistrement
    Jean-Pierre Joutel
  • voix
    Les Nirenberg
    John Howe
    France Arioli
    Regan Arioli
    Doris Malcolm
    John Weldon
  • musique
    Ben Low

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No Apple for Johnny
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