A revealing portrait of two young addicts, their life on the street and their despairing parents who find themselves powerless to save their children from the habit that is consuming them. As filmmaker Andrée Cazabon follows Cathy and Laurent for many months, recording their desperate drug-fuelled existence, she remembers her own life on the street. "My parents and I relived that horror," she says of her creative journey. But it was for all parents that she made this film. Cathy's and Laurent's parents live in a permanent state of bewildered anxiety and guilt. How can they avoid being totally destroyed …
A revealing portrait of two young addicts, their life on the street and their despairing parents who find themselves powerless to save their children from the habit that is consuming them. As filmmaker Andrée Cazabon follows Cathy and Laurent for many months, recording their desperate drug-fuelled existence, she remembers her own life on the street. "My parents and I relived that horror," she says of her creative journey. But it was for all parents that she made this film. Cathy's and Laurent's parents live in a permanent state of bewildered anxiety and guilt. How can they avoid being totally destroyed by grief? How do they manage to carry on with their lives, in spite of everything? And how do they deal with a system that views them with suspicion? By grimly showing two children in the grip of a brutal addiction, No Quick Fix hopes to alleviate and identify some of the enormous pain endured by parents coping with an addicted child. In French with English subtitles.
Commentez en quoi les choix de mode de vie créent des frictions entre les parents et les adolescents. Si vous pouviez donner un cours d’éducation parentale sur le développement à l’adolescence, quels points clés incluriez-vous? Passez en revue les étapes du développement d’Erik Erikson et commentez les relations de Laurent ou de Cathy avec leurs familles respectives. Expliquez comment le système d’éducation pourrait mieux soutenir les adolescents aux prises avec la toxicomanie, des problèmes de santé mentale ou le stress familial. Commentez la distinction entre la réduction et l’élimination des méfaits — Comment ces techniques contribuent-elles à lutter contre la toxicomanie chez les adolescents?