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1970 46 min
Dernière chance

In this documentary, striking political science students concerned with the democratization of their university occupy the offices of the Political Science Department at McGill University. The issue: greater student control over the hiring of faculty. The film crew lives with the students and follows their action through confusion, argument, dissent, and negotiations with faculty. The result is an intimate view of a student political action.

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In this documentary, striking political science students concerned with the democratization of their university occupy the offices of the Political Science Department at McGill University. The issue: greater student control over the hiring of faculty. The film crew lives with the students and follows their action through confusion, argument, dissent, and negotiations with faculty. The result is an intimate view of a student political action.

  • réalisateur
    Bill Reid
  • producteur
    Bill Reid
  • producteur exécutif
    George C. Stoney
  • photographie
    Jean-Pierre Lachapelle
    David De Volpi
  • son
    Jacques Drouin
    Jean-Guy Normandin
  • montage
    Albert Kish
    Pierre Lasry
    Bill Reid
  • montage sonore
    John Knight
  • musique
    Tex Koenig
  • ré-enregistrement
    Roger Lamoureux
    Jean-Pierre Joutel

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