This feature documentary profiles four residents of the Brockville Mental Health Centre, a forensic psychiatric hospital for people who have committed violent crimes. Four patients—two men and two women—struggle to gain control over their lives so they can return to a society that often fears and demonizes them. Shrouded in stigma, institutions like this one are places into which patients disappear from public view for years. Four-time Emmy winner John Kastner was granted unprecedented access to the Brockville facility for 18 months, allowing 46 patients and 75 staff to share their experiences with stunning frankness.
This feature documentary profiles four residents of the Brockville Mental Health Centre, a forensic psychiatric hospital for people who have committed violent crimes. Four patients—two men and two women—struggle to gain control over their lives so they can return to a society that often fears and demonizes them. Shrouded in stigma, institutions like this one are places into which patients disappear from public view for years.
Four-time Emmy winner John Kastner was granted unprecedented access to the Brockville facility for 18 months, allowing 46 patients and 75 staff to share their experiences with stunning frankness.
Convient parfaitement aux dissertations et aux débats sur le système judiciaire et sur la santé mentale.
Jusqu’à quel point la société est-elle responsable des criminels atteints de maladie mentale? En quoi votre avis sur les thèmes abordés dans le film a-t-il changé au fil du visionnage? Le rôle de la justice consiste-t-il à incarcérer les gens ou à les réinsérer? Effectuez une recherche sur l’histoire de la santé mentale et de la criminalité. Comment nos perspectives ont-elles évolué avec le temps? Que pense le cinéaste de cet établissement et de ses patients? Comment l’exprime-t-il?