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Passing Through Sweden

1969 21 min
Dernière chance

A film critic of one of Sweden's daily newspapers says of this film by Martin Duckworth, "Never before have I seen a film that so intensely interpreted the experience of Swedish surroundings ... an "atmosphere film" in which all the expression is in the pictures."

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Passing Through Sweden


A film critic of one of Sweden's daily newspapers says of this film by Martin Duckworth, "Never before have I seen a film that so intensely interpreted the experience of Swedish surroundings ... an "atmosphere film" in which all the expression is in the pictures."

  • réalisateur
    Martin Duckworth
  • photographie
    Martin Duckworth
  • producteur
    Joseph Koenig
    John Kemeny
  • son
    Tommy Bergh
    John Churchill
    Victor Merrill
    Michel Descombes
    Roger Lamoureux
  • montage
    Ulla Ryghe

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