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Royal Journey

A documentary account of the five-week visit of Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh to Canada and the United States in the fall of 1951. Stops on the royal tour include Québec City, the National War Memorial in Ottawa, the Trenton Air Force Base in Toronto, a performance of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet in Regina and visits to Calgary and Edmonton. The royal train crosses the Rockies and makes stops in several small towns. The royal couple boards HMCS Crusader in Vancouver and watches Native dances in Thunderbird Park, Victoria. They are then welcomed to the United States by …

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A documentary account of the five-week visit of Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh to Canada and the United States in the fall of 1951. Stops on the royal tour include Québec City, the National War Memorial in Ottawa, the Trenton Air Force Base in Toronto, a performance of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet in Regina and visits to Calgary and Edmonton. The royal train crosses the Rockies and makes stops in several small towns. The royal couple boards HMCS Crusader in Vancouver and watches Native dances in Thunderbird Park, Victoria. They are then welcomed to the United States by President Truman. The remainder of the journey includes visits to Montreal, the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, a steel mill in Sydney, Nova Scotia and Portugal Cove, Newfoundland.

  • réalisateur
    David Bairstow
    Gudrun Parker
    Roger Blais
  • producteur
    Tom Daly
  • scénario
    Leslie McFarlane
  • caméra
    Osmond H. Borradaile
    Grant McLean
  • son
    Joseph Champagne
  • montage
    Ronald Dick
    Victor Jobin
    Betty Brunke
  • montage sonore
    Kenneth Heeley-Ray
  • narrateur
    Elwood Glover
  • musique
    Louis Applebaum


Âge 12 à 17 ans
Sujets scolaires
Royal Journey
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