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The Sea Got in Your Blood

1965 27 min
Dernière chance

A taste of the sea and people who sail it from the ports of the Atlantic Bluenose coast. Some of the sailors seen and heard in this black and white film are famous: Bill Roue who designed the first Bluenose schooner (still on the Canadian dime) and Captain Angus Walter who brought her to victory.

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The Sea Got in Your Blood


A taste of the sea and people who sail it from the ports of the Atlantic Bluenose coast. Some of the sailors seen and heard in this black and white film are famous: Bill Roue who designed the first Bluenose schooner (still on the Canadian dime) and Captain Angus Walter who brought her to victory.

  • réalisateur
    David Millar
  • producteur
    Tom Daly
  • caméra
    Michel Thomas-d'Hoste
  • montage
    Barrie Howells
  • montage sonore
    John Knight
  • None
    Ron Alexander
    Roger Lamoureux
  • narrateur
    Max Ferguson
The Sea Got in Your Blood
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