This short documentary takes a poignant look at cultural misunderstanding and its toll on a family's grief. When filmmaker Gerald Auger lost his father, the local Anglican priest refused to allow the family to bury their father in the traditional Cree way - with the drum and the smudge - because he was buried on Anglican church property. Gerald sets out to resolve his hurt and anger and his path leads him to some unexpected places. Second Stories follows on the heels of the enormously successful First Stories project, which produced 3 separate collections of short films from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, …
This short documentary takes a poignant look at cultural misunderstanding and its toll on a family's grief. When filmmaker Gerald Auger lost his father, the local Anglican priest refused to allow the family to bury their father in the traditional Cree way - with the drum and the smudge - because he was buried on Anglican church property. Gerald sets out to resolve his hurt and anger and his path leads him to some unexpected places.
Second Stories follows on the heels of the enormously successful First Stories project, which produced 3 separate collections of short films from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Second Stories builds on that success by continuing the training with 3 of the 12 Indigenous filmmakers who delivered such compelling short documentaries. Produced in association with CBC, APTN, SCN, SaskFilm and MANITOBA FILM & SOUND.
Ce documentaire peut inspirer des recherches, des discussions ou des projets et servir d’outil pour l’apprentissage des connaissances fondamentales en lien avec la spiritualité des Premières Nations et l’histoire de la profanation spirituelle. Expliquez les différences et les similitudes entre la religion et la spiritualité. Quelles sont les origines de la crainte et de l’incompréhension à l’égard des cérémonies des Premières Nations? Faites une recherche sur les diverses coutumes concernant le deuil et l’hommage aux personnes décédées chez les Premières Nations dans ce qui est aujourd’hui le Canada. Cherchez à savoir pourquoi certains ont véhiculé l’idée selon laquelle le tambour est maléfique et quel genre de pensée ou d’éthique motive ce type de préjugés et de conceptions erronées. Quelles mesures de réparation et de réconciliation l’Église anglicane et d’autres organisations religieuses ont-elles prises depuis les excuses officielles concernant les pensionnats autochtones?