This short documentary explores the legacy of residential schools through the eyes of two extraordinary women who not only lived it, but who, as adults, made the surprising decision to return to the school that had affected their lives so profoundly. This intimate and moving film affirms their strength and dignity in standing up and making a difference on their own terms. Second Stories follows on the heels of the enormously successful First Stories project, which produced 3 separate collections of short films from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Second Stories builds on that success by continuing the training with 3 …
This short documentary explores the legacy of residential schools through the eyes of two extraordinary women who not only lived it, but who, as adults, made the surprising decision to return to the school that had affected their lives so profoundly. This intimate and moving film affirms their strength and dignity in standing up and making a difference on their own terms.
Second Stories follows on the heels of the enormously successful First Stories project, which produced 3 separate collections of short films from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Second Stories builds on that success by continuing the training with 3 of the 12 Indigenous filmmakers who delivered such compelling short documentaries. Produced in association with CBC, APTN, SCN, SaskFilm and MANITOBA FILM & SOUND.
Ce film est idéal pour les discussions en classe, les dissertations et les recherches sur les réalités des pensionnats et les mesures qui peuvent être prises pour apporter des changements positifs dans des structures injustes. Discutez de la nécessité d’agir pour faire évoluer la justice sociale de façon à repenser l’avenir du Canada et à s’assurer que les préjudices du passé ne perdurent pas. Quels sont les effets à long terme de la malnutrition et de la maltraitance physique et psychologique sur les enfants? Faites une recherche sur les expériences de nutrition menées sur les élèves des pensionnats et discutez de l’aspect éthique de ces expériences. Quelles sont les conséquences sociales à long terme de l’absence de structures de soutien saines et protectrices pour les enfants victimes de maltraitance? Quels types de structures de soutien peut-on mettre en place pour favoriser la guérison des adultes qui ont été maltraités lorsqu’ils étaient enfants?