This animated short tells the story of a ferocious polar bear turned to stone by an Inuk shaman. The tale is based on emerging filmmaker Echo Henoche's favourite legend, as told to her by her grandfather in her home community of Nain, Nunatsiavut, on Labrador's North Coast. Hand-drawn and painted by Henoche in a style all her own, Shaman is the first collaboration between the Labrador artist and the NFB.
This animated short tells the story of a ferocious polar bear turned to stone by an Inuk shaman. The tale is based on emerging filmmaker Echo Henoche's favourite legend, as told to her by her grandfather in her home community of Nain, Nunatsiavut, on Labrador's North Coast. Hand-drawn and painted by Henoche in a style all her own, Shaman is the first collaboration between the Labrador artist and the NFB.
Ce beau film d’animation porté par l’art et par la musique traditionnelle est idéal pour en apprendre davantage sur les formes d’art inuit et les pratiques culturelles de survie liées à la spiritualité, à la terre et aux animaux. Quelles sont les croyances traditionnelles des Inuits concernant l’ours polaire? Quelle histoire les images et les sons racontent-ils? Quel type de chant entend-on et en quoi est-il propre aux Inuits? Pourquoi est-il important pour les Inuits de raconter leurs propres histoires? En quoi l’animation est-elle un excellent choix pour raconter des histoires comme celle-ci?