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2014 8 min
Dernière chance

A woman plays out her existence on the screen of her life. Alcohol is the essence of her being. She imbibes her youth and becomes completely absorbed by the desire to satisfy her thirst. Moving from parties to binge drinking, pleasure to distress, joy to delirium, she lets herself be lulled by the undulating waves of bottles. She floats in the intoxicating liquid, sees her childhood re-emerge, and feels as if she is a tiny fish lost in an ocean of madness. Her craving for alcohol engenders a burning passion. Drinking becomes a fatal embrace... On the verge of drowning …

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A woman plays out her existence on the screen of her life. Alcohol is the essence of her being. She imbibes her youth and becomes completely absorbed by the desire to satisfy her thirst. Moving from parties to binge drinking, pleasure to distress, joy to delirium, she lets herself be lulled by the undulating waves of bottles. She floats in the intoxicating liquid, sees her childhood re-emerge, and feels as if she is a tiny fish lost in an ocean of madness. Her craving for alcohol engenders a burning passion. Drinking becomes a fatal embrace... On the verge of drowning in the torrent of this insane obsession, will she find the strength to rise to the surface?

Soif is a tragedy in five acts centered on a woman who must confront the fate of her existence. Michèle Cournoyer (The Hat) has created another hard-hitting film. She broaches a sensitive topic in her inimitable style, using black ink on paper to render dazzling metamorphoses.

  • réalisateur
    Michèle Cournoyer
  • scénario
    Michèle Cournoyer
  • animation
    Michèle Cournoyer
  • montage
    Jacques Drouin
  • musique
    Jean-Phi Goncalves
  • conception sonore
    Olivier Calvert
  • arrangement des cordes
    Guido Del Fabbro
  • musicien
    Annie Gadbois
    Ariane Lajoie
    Ligia Paquin
    Mélanie Vaugeois
  • voix
    Émilie Laforest
  • enregistrement du bruitage
    Lise Wedlock
  • enregistrement des cordes
    Geoffrey Mitchell
    Luc Léger
  • prise de son au bruitage
    Geoffrey Mitchell
    Luc Léger
  • ré-enregistrement
    Serge Boivin
  • spécialiste en imagerie numérique
    Pierre Plouffe
  • caméra d'animation
    Philippe Vaucher
  • soutien infographique
    Benoît Chagnon
  • montage en ligne
    Yannick Carrier
  • None
    Mélanie Bouchard
    Nadia Palmer
    Marcel Jean
    Galilé Marion-Gauvin
    René Chénier
  • coordination technique
    Mélanie Boudreau-Blanchard
    Daniel Lord
  • agent, marketing
    Christine Noël
  • gérant de production
    Dominique Noujeim
  • production déléguée
    Francine Langdeau
    Jocelyne Perrier
  • administration
    Diane Régimbald
  • certification comptable
    Isabelle Côté
  • équipe administrative
    Diane Ayotte
    Karine Desmeules
    Michèle Labelle