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Songs and Dances of the Inanimate World: The Subway

1985 14 min
Dernière chance

In this animated film without words, filmmaker Pierre Hébert and musicians Robert Lepage and René Lussier worked together, and separately, in their respective media. This cinema/music performance recreates, impressionistically, the dehumanizing environment of the urban subway. Drawings etch the outlines of people hurtling through space in underground tunnels. The soundtrack, elemental and atonal, gives compelling expression to their alienation.

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Songs and Dances of the Inanimate World: The Subway


In this animated film without words, filmmaker Pierre Hébert and musicians Robert Lepage and René Lussier worked together, and separately, in their respective media. This cinema/music performance recreates, impressionistically, the dehumanizing environment of the urban subway. Drawings etch the outlines of people hurtling through space in underground tunnels. The soundtrack, elemental and atonal, gives compelling expression to their alienation.

  • réalisateur
    Pierre Hébert
  • producteur
    Robert Forget
  • caméra
    Michael Cleary
    Pierre Landry
  • montage
    Pierre Bernier
  • ré-enregistrement
    Hans Peter Strobl
  • musique
    Robert M. Lepage
    René Lussier


Âge 12 à 17 ans
Sujets scolaires
Comment les endroits où nous sommes en présence d'étrangers nous affectent-ils? Ce film peut être visionné durant un cours de sciences humaines. À comparer avec la publicité « Il fait beau dans l'métro » de la STM (sur YouTube).