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Steady as She Goes

1981 26 min
Dernière chance

This short character documentary gives an intimate look at retiree George Fulfit as he constructs his biggest ever ship in a bottle. With infectious good spirits, running commentary and an abiding passion for his craft, George creates intricate tall ships in painstaking miniature, and shares the secret to the question we all wonder: ‘how’d they get that in there?’

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Steady as She Goes


This short character documentary gives an intimate look at retiree George Fulfit as he constructs his biggest ever ship in a bottle. With infectious good spirits, running commentary and an abiding passion for his craft, George creates intricate tall ships in painstaking miniature, and shares the secret to the question we all wonder: ‘how’d they get that in there?’

  • réalisateur
    Robert Fresco
  • cinématographie
    Robert Fresco
  • montage
    Robert Fresco
  • producteur
    Sharon Lee Chapelle
  • producteur exécutif
    Arthur Hammond
    Don Hopkins
  • musique
    Ken Hencherow

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