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The Strangest Dream

2008 1 h 29 min
Dernière chance

This is the story of Joseph Rotblat, the only nuclear scientist to leave the Manhattan Project, the U.S. government’s secret program to build the first atomic bomb. His was a decision based on moral grounds. The film retraces the history of nuclear weapons, from the first test in New Mexico, to Hiroshima, where we see survivors of the first atomic attack. Branded a traitor and spy, Rotblat went from designing atomic bombs to researching the medical uses of radiation. Together with Bertrand Russell he helped create the modern peace movement, and eventually won the Nobel Peace Prize. Featuring interviews with …

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The Strangest Dream


This is the story of Joseph Rotblat, the only nuclear scientist to leave the Manhattan Project, the U.S. government’s secret program to build the first atomic bomb. His was a decision based on moral grounds.

The film retraces the history of nuclear weapons, from the first test in New Mexico, to Hiroshima, where we see survivors of the first atomic attack. Branded a traitor and spy, Rotblat went from designing atomic bombs to researching the medical uses of radiation. Together with Bertrand Russell he helped create the modern peace movement, and eventually won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Featuring interviews with contemporaries of Rotblat and passionate public figures including Senator Roméo Dallaire, The Strangest Dream demonstrates the renewed threat of nuclear weapons and encourages hope through the example of morally engaged scientists and citizens.

  • réalisateur
    Eric Bednarski
  • producteur
    Kent Martin
  • écriture
    Barry Cowling
    Eric Bednarski
  • narrateur
    Michael Jones
  • cinématographie
    Nigel Markham
  • preneur de son
    Kent Martin
  • monteur
    Angela Baker
  • assistant de production
    Reina Endo
    Suridh Hassan
  • superviseur de production
    Patsy Coughran
  • montage son
    Alex Salter
  • musique originale
    David Christensen
  • None
    Jenn Grant
    Jerzy Rudzinski
    Phillip Cairns
    Candice Desormeaux
  • musicien
    Anne Rapson
    Jennifer Jones
    Shimon Walt
    Diana Torbert
    Mark Adam
    David Christensen
  • consultant
    Patrick Boyer
  • assistant monteur
    Trevor Schellinck
  • recherche de documents d'archives
    Elizabeth Klinck
    Helen Weiss
    Eric Bednarski
  • monteur en ligne
    Steve Cook
  • enregistrement de la narration
    Lorraine Clarke
  • ré-enregistrement
    Allan Scarth
  • titres
    Sandra Macdonald
  • coordonnateur de production
    Stephanie Coolen
    Vanessa Larsen
  • agent, marketing
    Amy Stewart Gallant
    Philip Moscovitch
  • assistant de production au marketing
    Candice Desormeaux
  • administrateur de centre
    John William Lutz
  • producteur exécutif
    Kent Martin
The Strangest Dream
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