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The Suspects

1957 30 min
Dernière chance

This short drama highlights the importance of police officers maintaining a compassionate understanding of the people they both police and protect. A teenage boy and girl are falsely accused of robbing a fur warehouse. The investigating detective tries to bully a confession from them, but the police chief knows that the detective is acting beyond his mandate. The chief eventually intervenes, thereby underlining the extent of the investigator's inappropriate behaviour.

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The Suspects


This short drama highlights the importance of police officers maintaining a compassionate understanding of the people they both police and protect. A teenage boy and girl are falsely accused of robbing a fur warehouse. The investigating detective tries to bully a confession from them, but the police chief knows that the detective is acting beyond his mandate. The chief eventually intervenes, thereby underlining the extent of the investigator's inappropriate behaviour.

  • réalisateur
    Bernard Devlin
  • producteur
    Julian Biggs
  • scénario
    Fernand Dansereau
  • photographie
    Georges Dufaux
  • son
    Michel Belaieff
  • montage
    Dennis Sawyer
  • montage sonore
    Stuart Baker
  • interprète
    Shirley Knight
    Martin Lavut
    Henri Poulin
    Arthur Leonard
    Paul Arno
    Jack Raskin

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