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That's the Price

1970 40 min
Dernière chance

What happens to two dying coal towns in British Columbia when an American corporation provides a contract for millions of tons of coking coal? The film follows the consequences for the towns of Natal and Michel, suggesting that industrial growth has its price, especially with regard to the environment.

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That's the Price


What happens to two dying coal towns in British Columbia when an American corporation provides a contract for millions of tons of coking coal? The film follows the consequences for the towns of Natal and Michel, suggesting that industrial growth has its price, especially with regard to the environment.

  • réalisateur
    Michael Scott
  • producteur
    William Canning
  • scénario
    Kenneth McCready
  • photographie
    Tony Ianzelo
  • son
    Joseph Champagne
  • montage
    Torben Schioler
    F. Whitman Trecartin
  • ré-enregistrement
    George Croll
    Michel Descombes
  • narrateur
    Budd Knapp

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Âge 17 à 17 ans
Sujets scolaires
À la suite du visionnage de ce film, on peut lancer une discussion sur le prix humain de l'industrialisation et du progrès. Comment marier exploitation des ressources naturelles et protection de l'environnement?
That's the Price
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