This documentary paints a picture of Arab men that is vastly different from what we’re accustomed to. In this antidote to mainstream-media depictions of Arabs as terrorists and extremists, we get to meet Jay, Ghassan and their friends, who gather at Jamal’s Eden Barber Shop to discuss politics, religion and family over a cut and a shave. Often funny, sometimes sad, this engaging film documents the challenges these men face integrating into Canadian life while preserving their identity and culture.
This documentary paints a picture of Arab men that is vastly different from what we’re accustomed to. In this antidote to mainstream-media depictions of Arabs as terrorists and extremists, we get to meet Jay, Ghassan and their friends, who gather at Jamal’s Eden Barber Shop to discuss politics, religion and family over a cut and a shave. Often funny, sometimes sad, this engaging film documents the challenges these men face integrating into Canadian life while preserving their identity and culture.
Les participants au film sont des expatriés que la guerre ou l’agitation civile ont chassés de leur pays d’origine. Comment en sont-ils venus à faire du Canada leur patrie d’adoption? La plupart des documentaires mettent l’accent sur les différences plutôt que sur les traits communs — Comment la cinéaste montre-t-elle les expériences communes dans ce groupe d’hommes de la diaspora arabe? Si vous aviez à quitter votre terre natale, qu’est-ce qui vous manquerait le plus? En quoi ce documentaire amène-t-il le public à réexaminer ses propres préjugés?
Things Arab Men Say, Nisreen Baker, offert par l'Office national du film du Canada