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2014 29 min
Dernière chance

This short fiction is part of Robert Lepage's three-piece cinematic work Triptych, itself an adaptation of Lepage's own epic nine-hour theatre play. Like his namesake in Caravaggio's iconic painting, Thomas is doubtful of everything: his marriage, his profession, and even the city where he lives. Marie, a jazz singer from Montreal, is devastated by the news that she must undergo brain surgery and finds herself desperately in search of comfort. Bathed in dreamlight, London is the half-fantasized, half-real backdrop for the improbable but fateful meeting of these two troubled souls. Beneath Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel fresco and on the chilly docks …

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Cette œuvre traite d'un sujet controversé. Pour public averti.


This short fiction is part of Robert Lepage's three-piece cinematic work Triptych, itself an adaptation of Lepage's own epic nine-hour theatre play. Like his namesake in Caravaggio's iconic painting, Thomas is doubtful of everything: his marriage, his profession, and even the city where he lives. Marie, a jazz singer
from Montreal, is devastated by the news that she must undergo brain surgery and finds herself desperately in search of

Bathed in dreamlight,
London is the half-fantasized, half-real backdrop for the improbable but
fateful meeting of these two troubled souls. Beneath Michelangelo’s Sistine
Chapel fresco and on the chilly docks of the Thames, the singer and the brain
surgeon seek, find and then lose each other in this existential urban fable.

Cette œuvre traite d'un sujet controversé. Pour public averti.
  • réalisateur
    Pedro Pires
    Robert Lepage
  • producteur
    Lynda Beaulieu
    Johanne Bergeron
  • producteur exécutif
    Lynda Beaulieu
    Jacques Turgeon
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