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Three Seasons

1960 29 min
Dernière chance

All along the North Shore from Saint-Tite-des-Caps to the bay of Sept-îles, logging starts with the construction of the camps. But the good logs once used for the legendary log cabins are now turned into planks, beams and rafters in the sawmill that has replaced the side axes and board saws. It takes three seasons to harvest the logs. First the autumn for felling the trees with the chain saws that have taken over from the bow saws and two-handed saws. Then the winter snows to make it easier for the horses to haul the logs to the ice-covered rivers. …

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Three Seasons


All along the North Shore from Saint-Tite-des-Caps to the bay of Sept-îles, logging starts with the construction of the camps. But the good logs once used for the legendary log cabins are now turned into planks, beams and rafters in the sawmill that has replaced the side axes and board saws. It takes three seasons to harvest the logs. First the autumn for felling the trees with the chain saws that have taken over from the bow saws and two-handed saws. Then the winter snows to make it easier for the horses to haul the logs to the ice-covered rivers. And finally the wild waters of spring that carry the logs to the wooden schooners that will take them to the mill.

  • réalisateur
    René Bonnière
    Pierre Perrault
  • texte
    Pierre Perrault
  • None
    Judith Crawley
  • photographie
    Michel Thomas-d'Hoste
    Kenneth Campbell
    Allan Grayston
  • son
    Tony Betts
    David Howells
  • montage sonore
    John Knight
  • narrateur
    Lloyd Bochner
  • musique
    Larry Crosley

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