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The Tibetan Book of the Dead: The Great Liberation

1994 45 min
Dernière chance

The Tibetan Book of the Dead is a two-part series that explores ancient teachings on death and dying. It was filmed over a four-month period on location in the Himalayas where the original text still yields an essential influence over people's views of life and death. The Great Liberation, is a docudrama which, in the company of an old Buddhist lama and a 13-year-old novice monk, leads us into the very foundations of Buddhist philosophy--the search for compassion and truth. Pema Choden, the lama, and Tubten, the young monk, read from the texts of The Tibetan Book of the Dead …

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The Tibetan Book of the Dead: The Great Liberation


The Tibetan Book of the Dead is a two-part series that explores ancient teachings on death and dying. It was filmed over a four-month period on location in the Himalayas where the original text still yields an essential influence over people's views of life and death. The Great Liberation, is a docudrama which, in the company of an old Buddhist lama and a 13-year-old novice monk, leads us into the very foundations of Buddhist philosophy--the search for compassion and truth. Pema Choden, the lama, and Tubten, the young monk, read from the texts of The Tibetan Book of the Dead as they conduct the 49 days of final rites for a deceased Himalayan villager. We must all face the death of somebody we love, as well as our own death. This film helps us to prepare for these inevitabilities.

  • scénario
    Shinichi Nakazawa
  • musique
    Toshiyuki Honda
  • caméra
    Hideo Saito
    Shuji Kawashita
  • monteur
    Mitsunori Morimoto
    Judith Merritt
    David Verrall
  • effets sonores
    Masayuki Onoe
  • None
    Masato Iizuka
    Sonam Norboo
    Eve Ramboz
    Douglas Penick
  • ré-enregistrement
    Yoshinori Kawabata
    Jean-Pierre Joutel
  • coordonnateur de projet
    Toru Hirota
  • réalisateur
    Hiroaki Mori
    Yukari Hayashi
    Barrie McLean
  • producteur
    Atsunori Kawamura
    Naoyuki Kibe
    Barrie McLean
    David Verrall
  • narrateur
    Leonard Cohen
  • animation
    Ishu Patel
  • post-production vidéo
    Louis Girardin
    Michel Arsenault
  • administrateur de studio
    Carrol Smith

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Âge 15 à 17 ans
Sujets scolaires
Les étudiants font une recherche sur les origines et le rayonnement du bouddhisme ainsi que sur son influence en Asie et bien au-delà. Les étudiants les plus avancés peuvent faire une recherche sur le rôle du bouddhisme dans le monde moderne des économies en développement ou sur sa popularité croissante en Occident. Les étudiants en théologie font une analyse comparative de la philosophie bouddhiste et d’une autre religion. En intégrant l’art et la géographie, les étudiants font une recherche sur un célèbre monument ou temple bouddhiste, puis en font un exposé oral, cartes et images à l’appui.
The Tibetan Book of the Dead: The Great Liberation
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