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Tokyo Girls

2000 57 min
Dernière chance

This feature documentary is a candid journey into the world of 4 young Canadian women who work as well-paid hostesses in exclusive Japanese nightclubs. Lured by adventure and easy money, these modern-day geisha find themselves caught up in the mizu shobai—the complex "floating water world" of Tokyo clubs and bars. Drawn by fast money, some women become consumed by the lavish lifestyle and forget why they came; one hostess calls this "losing the plot." With a pulsating visual style, Tokyo Girls captures the raw energy of urban Japan and its fascination with the new.

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Cette œuvre traite d'un sujet controversé. Pour public averti.
Tokyo Girls


This feature documentary is a candid journey into the world of 4 young Canadian women who work as well-paid hostesses in exclusive Japanese nightclubs. Lured by adventure and easy money, these modern-day geisha find themselves caught up in the mizu shobai—the complex "floating water world" of Tokyo clubs and bars. Drawn by fast money, some women become consumed by the lavish lifestyle and forget why they came; one hostess calls this "losing the plot." With a pulsating visual style, Tokyo Girls captures the raw energy of urban Japan and its fascination with the new.

Cette œuvre traite d'un sujet controversé. Pour public averti.
  • réalisateur
    Penelope Buitenhuis
  • scénario
    Penelope Buitenhuis
  • producteur
    Gillian Darling Kovanic
  • monteur
    Bonni Devlin
  • directeur de la photographie
    David Frazee
  • conseiller à la création
    Michelle Bjornson
  • composition
    Doug Blackley
    Dennis Burke
  • prise de son
    Leigh Hunt Wilks
    Keith Henderson
  • None
    John Collins
    Jai Orton
    Lincoln Clarkes
    Yukie Kasuga
    Mitsue Kurahashi
    Northwest Imaging & FX
  • assistance à la caméra
    Shinpei Otsuki
    Christopher Oben
  • gérant de production
    Steve Orton
    Paul Scherzer
  • assistant monteur
    Diana Wilson
  • assistant
    Kaori Imai
    Ju Nakayama
  • coordinateur
    Peter MacIntosh
  • distribution artistique
    Kit Hayward
  • accessoires
    Ginger Pottin
  • participant
    Anne Allison
    Hidemi Arasaki
    Terra Maria
    Mia Sara
    Ichikyo San
    Ryosuke Ikeda
    Tomoko Kawabata
    Peter MacIntosh
    Wakita San
    Mameyu San
    Memeharu San
  • acteur
    Fred Menemoto
    Jay Lyn Green
    Akinori Nagai
    Maritama Carlson
    Patrick Pon
    Christine Taylor
    Toshikazu Sugamori
  • traduction
    Kiyoe Young
    Kazumi Azuma
  • interprète
    Steve Orton
    Hiroe Tsuno
    Etsuko Michihata
  • assistant à la postproduction
    Sonny Lahey
  • postproduction audio
    Sharpe Sound Studios Inc.
  • correction des couleurs
    Rainmaker Digital Pictures
  • titrage
    Rainmaker Digital Pictures
  • superviseur de production
    Kathryn Lynch
  • administrateur de programme
    Bruce Hagerman
  • producteur exécutif
    Graydon McCrea