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Trans Canada Summer

1958 56 min
Dernière chance

The camera follows the Trans-Canada Highway from east to west, revealing the people, the resources and the geography of Canada. Included are some of the engineering feats accomplished in the building of the highway.

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Trans Canada Summer


The camera follows the Trans-Canada Highway from east to west, revealing the people, the resources and the geography of Canada. Included are some of the engineering feats accomplished in the building of the highway.

  • scénario
    Ronald Dick
  • réalisateur
    Ronald Dick
  • coréalisateur
    Jack Olsen
    Jean Palardy
  • photographie
    Robert Humble
    Reginald Morris
    Jean Roy
  • montage
    William Greaves
  • effets sonores
    William Greaves
  • commentaire
    Stanley Jackson
  • narrateur
    Pierre Berton
  • None
    Eldon Rathburn
  • montage musique
    Malca Gillson
  • enregistrement sonore
    Joseph Champagne
  • producteur
    Tom Daly

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