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Tudor King

1979 10 min
Dernière chance

This short film is based on a short story by Canadian author Rudy Wiebe about a man who fantasizes about being a British king. His “court” is situated in an abandoned house on a frozen prairie. A little boy, wandering by after school, is invited in to meet this royal pretender to the throne. The man’s delusion, intensity, and paranoia are depicted in a sombre, haunting atmosphere set to an enthralling classical score.

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Tudor King


This short film is based on a short story by Canadian author Rudy Wiebe about a man who fantasizes about being a British king. His “court” is situated in an abandoned house on a frozen prairie. A little boy, wandering by after school, is invited in to meet this royal pretender to the throne. The man’s delusion, intensity, and paranoia are depicted in a sombre, haunting atmosphere set to an enthralling classical score.

  • réalisateur
    Allan Kroeker
  • None
    Allan Kroeker
  • cinématographie
    Allan Kroeker
  • montage
    Allan Kroeker
  • producteur
    Jerry Krepakevich
  • producteur exécutif
    Michael Scott
  • son
    Leon Johnson
  • montage sonore
    Ken Rodeck
  • ré-enregistrement
    Clive Perry
  • musique
    Randolph Peters
  • interprète
    Jay Brazeau
    Budd Knapp
    Martin Lockwood

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