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Gesar Mukpo was three when he became one of the first people born in the West to be recognized as a tulku the present-day reincarnation of a Buddhist master. For his entire life, he's been trying to figure out what that really means. Starting in the mid-1970s, Tibetan teachers including Gesar's father, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche; began recognizing Western children as tulkus. Suddenly, a system that had ensured stable spiritual power and authority in Tibetan society for 800 years was transplanted into a completely different culture. In this intensely personal documentary, Gesar sets out to meet other tulkus to find out …

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Gesar Mukpo was three when he became one of the first people born in the West to be recognized as a tulku the present-day reincarnation of a Buddhist master. For his entire life, he's been trying to figure out what that really means.

Starting in the mid-1970s, Tibetan teachers including Gesar's father, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche; began recognizing Western children as tulkus. Suddenly, a system that had ensured stable spiritual power and authority in Tibetan society for 800 years was transplanted into a completely different culture.

In this intensely personal documentary, Gesar sets out to meet other tulkus to find out how they reconcile modern and ancient, East and West. Journeying through Canada, the United States, India and Nepal, he encounters four other tulkus who struggle with the meaning of this profound dilemma.

What does it mean to carry on this ancient tradition designed for an old world when you're living in a completely new one? How will Gesar and other Western tulkus fulfill their destiny?

Tulku was produced as part of the Reel Diversity Competition for emerging filmmakers of colour. Reel Diversity is a National Film Board of Canada initiative in partnership with CBC Newsworld.

  • écriture
    Gesar Mukpo
  • réalisateur
    Gesar Mukpo
  • participation
    Gesar Mukpo
    Dylan Henderson
    Ashoka Mukpo
    Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
    Wyatt Arnold
    Ogyen Trinley, His Holiness Dorje
    Reuben Adrian Derksen
  • producteur
    Kent Martin
  • monteur
    Rohan Fernando
    Ethan Neville
  • cinématographie
    Pablo Bryant
    Ethan Neville
  • preneur de son
    James Hoagland
    Pablo Bryant
  • caméra sous-marine
    Robert Guertin
  • photographie additionnelle
    Gesar Mukpo
  • assistant de production
    Breton Hoagland
  • traduction
    Jessie Litven
  • superviseur de production
    Patsy Coughran
  • montage son
    Alex Salter
  • recherche de documents d'archives
    Gesar Mukpo
  • monteur en ligne
    Steve Cook
  • enregistrement de la narration
    Jamie Alexander Alcorn
  • ré-enregistrement
    Allan Scarth
  • coordonnateur de production
    Stephanie Coolen
    Vanessa Larsen
  • agent, marketing
    Candice Desormeaux
  • administrateur de centre
    John William Lutz
  • producteur exécutif
    Kent Martin
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