Since its inception in 1976, Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre has been a place in which the urban Indigenous community could feel safe, learn and grow. Council Fire uses cultural teachings and creates space to restore Indigenous identity, especially for its youth. At the core of Council Fire’s history and teachings is the drum, which they refer to as “our mother.” In Full Circle, we get to know the members of the Toronto Council Fire Youth Program as they embark on new journeys. We meet a drum group that lays down tracks at a professional recording studio and a …
Since its inception in 1976, Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre has been a place in which the urban Indigenous community could feel safe, learn and grow. Council Fire uses cultural teachings and creates space to restore Indigenous identity, especially for its youth. At the core of Council Fire’s history and teachings is the drum, which they refer to as “our mother.” In Full Circle, we get to know the members of the Toronto Council Fire Youth Program as they embark on new journeys. We meet a drum group that lays down tracks at a professional recording studio and a group of young dancers who showcase their moves at a dance studio.
Ce documentaire peut inspirer des recherches, des discussions ou des projets et servir d’outil pour approfondir l’apprentissage portant sur les Premières Nations, les Inuits et les Métis en milieu urbain. Pourquoi est-il important que les Premières Nations, les Inuits et les Métis disposent de lieux de rassemblement sûrs en milieu urbain? Qu’est-ce qui explique fondamentalement que les membres des Premières Nations, les Inuits et les Métis soient aussi nombreux à vivre en zone urbaine? Pour quelle raison une personne autochtone aurait-elle dû cacher ses danses, ses costumes, ses cérémonies, ses tambours et ses chants traditionnels? Quelles étaient les conséquences subies par un membre des Premières Nations surpris à pratiquer une cérémonie, une danse ou un chant traditionnel? Quand la Loi sur les Indiens a-t-elle été modifiée en ce qui a trait à ces pratiques? Quel lien unit le tambour aux mères et aux grand-mères?