This short film offers a snap-shot of life in Fort Frances, Ontario, as some of its community members prepare to gather in a special place that will bond their hearts and minds. By engaging in ceremony and celebrating their language, culture and land, the people are creating “Zaagi’idiwin”—a symbol of their truth, their story and their own reconciliation, which is community-defined, beautiful and inspiring.
This short film offers a snap-shot of life in Fort Frances, Ontario, as some of its community members prepare to gather in a special place that will bond their hearts and minds. By engaging in ceremony and celebrating their language, culture and land, the people are creating “Zaagi’idiwin”—a symbol of their truth, their story and their own reconciliation, which is community-defined, beautiful and inspiring.
Ce documentaire peut inspirer des recherches, des discussions ou des projets et servir d’outil pour approfondir les connaissances sur les membres des Premières Nations, les Inuits et les Métis en milieu urbain. Que signifie zaagi’idiwin et dans quelle langue? Pourquoi est-il nécessaire de produire et de diffuser des films qui représentent des jeunes s’adonnant à des activités culturelles de façon constructive et inspirante? Comment ce film peut-il contribuer à la déconstruction des stéréotypes négatifs à l’égard des membres des Premières Nations, des Inuits et des Métis?