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Wapos Bay: Long Goodbyes

2011 1 h 12 min
Dernière chance

In this feature animation film, Talon and Raven learn that their dad, Alphonse, has taken a job in the big city and their family will have to move away from Wapos Bay, their Cree community in Northern Saskatchewan. This news takes Talon on a journey of self-discovery as he sets off to accomplish his bucket list of things he wanted to do with his friends before they leave. Raven, on the other hand, decides to take matters into her own hands with the clear goal of keeping the family in Wapos Bay. With their whole world being turned upside down, …

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Wapos Bay: Long Goodbyes


In this feature animation film, Talon and Raven learn that their dad, Alphonse, has taken a job in the big city and their family will have to move away from Wapos Bay, their Cree community in Northern Saskatchewan. This news takes Talon on a journey of self-discovery as he sets off to accomplish his bucket list of things he wanted to do with his friends before they leave. Raven, on the other hand, decides to take matters into her own hands with the clear goal of keeping the family in Wapos Bay. With their whole world being turned upside down, Talon and Raven must join forces to keep the family together before it’s too late.

  • réalisateur
    Dennis Jackson
  • écriture
    Dennis Jackson
    Melanie Jackson
  • producteur
    Dennis Jackson
    Melanie Jackson
    Anand Ramayya
    Michael Fukushima
  • directeur de la photographie
    Peter Christensen
  • monteur
    Jennifer Prokop
  • compositeur de la musique
    Ross Nykiforuk
  • interprète
    Taylor Cook
    Eric Jackson
    Raven Brass
    DerRic Starlight
    Gordon Tootoosis
    Lorne Cardinal
    Andrea Menard
    Joseph Naytowhow
    Trevor Cameron
    Delvin Kanewiyakiho
    Diana Gossner
    Jody Peters
    Melanie Jackson
    Mervin Brass
    Tyrone Tootoosis
    Angus Vincent
    Danny Grummett
    Dennis Jackson
    Ross Nykiforuk
  • None
    Seamus O'Regan
    Beverly Thomson
    Jeff Hutcheson
    Marci Ien
    Trevor Cameron
    Meghan Ruedger
    Diana Savage
    Stacia Verigin
    Allison Brandt Malinski
    Christi Tuck
    Craig Olson
    John Thronberg
    Glenn Ens
    Randy Woods
    Glennross Studios
    Linda Nemeth
    Danielle Audette
  • producteur associé
    Kelly Balon
  • gérant de production
    Shelly Bowes
  • chef scénariste
    Trevor Cameron
  • supervision de l'animation
    Cam Lizotte
  • animateur principal
    Chris Cherepacha
  • animateur
    Gilbert Baldhead
    Stacy Kulyk
    Devon Loiselle
    Shane Molloy
    Bentley Poochay
    Joel Vanderzwan
  • animateur supplémentaire
    Lisa Lorenzo
    Amber Rees
  • costumier
    Allison Brandt Malinski
  • construction des décors
    Clayton Malinski
  • construction des fonds
    Clayton Malinski
  • sculpteur
    Amber Rees
  • armatures
    Jordan Yaworski
  • graphiques
    Nathen Wahl
  • machiniste de plateau
    Aaron Jackson
  • scénarimage
    Cam Lizotte
  • supervision de la postproduction
    John Thronberg
  • monteur en ligne
    Denis Gathelier
  • superviseur des effets visuels
    Andrew Doll
  • effets visuels
    Bryan Larson
    Bryan MacCallum
    Alina Pete
  • titres
    John Thronberg
  • superviseur à la postproduction sonore
    Ross Nykiforuk
  • musicien
    Glenn Ens
    Vesti Hanson
    Ross Nykiforuk
  • comptable de production
    Alexis Williams
  • publicité
    Tera Maguire
  • équipe de production
    Pierre Ferlatte
    Susan Gourley
    Gisèle Guilbault
    Steve Hallé
    Elaine Largie
  • PDG
    Jean Larose
  • services comptables
    Annette Wionzek
  • services juridiques
    Patricia Warsaba

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Wapos Bay: Long Goodbyes
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