In this episode from the Wapos Bay series, the community of Wapos Bay is celebrating Kohkum Mary's nomination for a lifetime Aboriginal Accomplishment Award. Mushom, Jacob, Talon and T-Bear must go hunting a moose for the traditional honour feast. T-Bear helps an old hunter, Gabriel, who accidentally shoots and injures a mother moose with her young calf. They must track down the moose in order to save them both and restore balance to the environment. Includes English and Cree versions. Wapos Bay is a stop-motion animation series that follows the adventures of 3 kids from a Cree community in northern …
In this episode from the Wapos Bay series, the community of Wapos Bay is celebrating Kohkum Mary's nomination for a lifetime Aboriginal Accomplishment Award. Mushom, Jacob, Talon and T-Bear must go hunting a moose for the traditional honour feast. T-Bear helps an old hunter, Gabriel, who accidentally shoots and injures a mother moose with her young calf. They must track down the moose in order to save them both and restore balance to the environment. Includes English and Cree versions.
Wapos Bay is a stop-motion animation series that follows the adventures of 3 kids from a Cree community in northern Saskatchewan.
Examinez la question suivante : qu’est-ce qui fait de T-Bear un bon chasseur? Les chasseurs sont formés de façon à respecter le cycle de vie des animaux et savent à quel moment il convient de chasser pour éviter de mettre en péril la survie d’une espèce donnée. Invitez un garde-chasse en classe en lui demandant de présenter les rôles et les responsabilités qui se rattachent à son travail. Examinez la question suivante : pourquoi la Constitution canadienne inclut-elle la chasse et la pêche parmi les droits des Autochtones?
Wapos Bay: The Hunt - Cree Version, , offert par l'Office national du film du Canada