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The Washing of Tears

In 1903, a unique and magnificent Whaler's shrine was shipped from Friendly Cove, on the far northwest coast of Canada, to the Museum of Natural History, New York. The shrine had lain at the cultural heart of the Mowachaht, whale hunters and fishermen who had lived at Friendly Cove for thousands of years. In the 1960s and '70s, all but one family left their ancient village--they moved to Vancouver Island, to a new site under the walls of a pulp mill. They suffered extremes of pollution, violence, alcohol.... Then, in the 1990s, in defiance of the agony of their history …

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In 1903, a unique and magnificent Whaler's shrine was shipped from Friendly Cove, on the far northwest coast of Canada, to the Museum of Natural History, New York. The shrine had lain at the cultural heart of the Mowachaht, whale hunters and fishermen who had lived at Friendly Cove for thousands of years. In the 1960s and '70s, all but one family left their ancient village--they
moved to Vancouver Island, to a new site under the walls of a pulp mill. They suffered extremes of pollution, violence, alcohol.... Then, in the 1990s, in defiance of the agony of their history and to overcome the grief of the present, the Mowachaht and their neighbours, the Muchalaht, revived their songs and dances, revisited their shrine and rediscovered their pride.

  • réalisateur
    Hugh Brody
  • scénario
    Hugh Brody
  • producteur
    Gillian Darling
    Cari Green
    George Johnson
  • producteur associé
    Barb Cranmer
  • cinématographie
    Kirk Tougas
  • son
    Chris Aikenhead
    Caroline Goldie
    David Husby
    Michael McGee
  • montage
    Haida Paul
  • montage sonore
    Haida Paul
    Alison Grace
  • ré-enregistrement
    Shelley Craig
The Washing of Tears
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