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1984 1 h 26 min
Dernière chance

This feature-length documentary follows naturalist Bill Mason on his journey by canoe into the Ontario wilderness. The filmmaker and artist begins on Lake Superior, then explores winding and sometimes tortuous river waters to the meadowlands of the river's source. Along the way, Mason paints scenes that capture his attention and muses about his love of the canoe, his artwork and his own sense of the land. Mason also uses the film as a commentary on the link between God and nature and the vast array of beautiful canvases God created for him to paint. Features breathtaking visuals and exciting whitewater …

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This feature-length documentary follows naturalist Bill Mason on his journey by canoe into the Ontario wilderness. The filmmaker and artist begins on Lake Superior, then explores winding and sometimes tortuous river waters to the meadowlands of the river's source. Along the way, Mason paints scenes that capture his attention and muses about his love of the canoe, his artwork and his own sense of the land.

Mason also uses the film as a commentary on the link between God and nature and the vast array of beautiful canvases God created for him to paint. Features breathtaking visuals and exciting whitewater footage, with a musical score by Bruce Cockburn.

  • réalisateur
    Bill Mason
  • producteur
    Bill Mason
  • montage
    Bill Mason
  • narrateur
    Bill Mason
  • producteur exécutif
    Wilber Sutherland
    Dean Peterson
  • producteur associé
    Margaret Pettigrew
    Kathleen Shannon
  • photographie
    Ken Buck
  • son
    Alan Geldart
  • montage sonore
    Alan Geldart
  • ré-enregistrement
    Joe Grimaldi
    Austin Grimaldi
  • musique
    Bruce Cockburn
    Hugh Marsh

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