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Whale Hunting (Qilaluganiatut)

1977 9 min
Dernière chance

An interesting and informative journey with six Inuit hunting for beluga whale near Iqaluit (formerly known as Frobisher / Frobisher Bay). We learn about the methods used in pursuing the whale and dividing the carcass. An original score features music and songs in Inuktitut by the filmmaker Mosha Michaell himself. Viewer Advisory: This film contains scenes of animal slaughter.

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Cette œuvre traite d'un sujet controversé. Pour public averti.
Whale Hunting (Qilaluganiatut)


An interesting and informative journey with six Inuit hunting for beluga whale near Iqaluit (formerly known as Frobisher / Frobisher Bay). We learn about the methods used in pursuing the whale and dividing the carcass. An original score features music and songs in Inuktitut by the filmmaker Mosha Michaell himself.

Viewer Advisory: This film contains scenes of animal slaughter.

Cette œuvre traite d'un sujet controversé. Pour public averti.
  • réalisateur
    Mosha Michael
  • producteur
    Peter Raymont
  • ré-enregistrement
    Frank Griffiths

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Whale Hunting (Qilaluganiatut)
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