This feature documentary represents a quest that is both personal and universal. Director Claude Demers (Barbers: A Men’s Story, Ladies in Blue) revisits the working-class neighbourhood of Verdun where he grew up and asks questions about the mysteries of his origins and his formative years, which were marked by abandonment. Bastien and Cédric, two young boys who are discovering the world around them, serve as the narrator’s alter egos. Between past and present, birth and death, Where I'm From traces the course of one man's redemption. The film marries realism with lyricism and a vibrant soundtrack that celebrates life.
This feature documentary represents a quest that is both personal and universal. Director Claude Demers (Barbers:
A Men’s Story, Ladies in Blue) revisits the working-class neighbourhood of Verdun where he grew up and asks questions about the mysteries of his origins and his formative years, which were marked by abandonment. Bastien
and Cédric, two young boys who are discovering the world around them, serve as the narrator’s alter egos. Between past and present, birth and death, Where I'm From traces the course of one man's redemption. The film marries realism with lyricism and a vibrant soundtrack that celebrates life.
Convient parfaitement aux projets liés aux études sociales et à la rédaction de mémoires.
Que cherche à exprimer le cinéaste à propos de son propre passé et du rapport au passé en général? Discutez de la valeur de l’éducation prodiguée à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur de la salle de classe. Rédigez un poème ou des mémoires se rattachant à votre passé et aux lieux privilégiés de votre enfance. De quoi souhaitez-vous vous souvenir? Qu’est-ce que vous n’oublierez jamais? Interviewez vos parents ou vos grands-parents en leur demandant comment les choses se sont transformées dans leur quartier et quelles traditions se sont perdues au fil du temps.