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The White Ship

1966 14 min
Dernière chance

Sailing ships on an open sea make an attractive sight, all the more to be valued because of their rarity. This film shows one of the Portuguese schooners that fished the Grand Banks off Newfoundland. From the moment the townsfolk turn out for the blessing of the ship and crew, to the time when the ship turns homeward with the season's catch--leaving one crewman in a Newfoundland grave--this film holds the viewer's attention on an ancient calling that will soon disappear.

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The White Ship


Sailing ships on an open sea make an attractive sight, all the more to be valued because of their rarity. This film shows one of the Portuguese schooners that fished the Grand Banks off Newfoundland. From the moment the townsfolk turn out for the blessing of the ship and crew, to the time when the ship turns homeward with the season's catch--leaving one crewman in a Newfoundland grave--this film holds the viewer's attention on an ancient calling that will soon disappear.

  • réalisateur
    Hector Lemieux
  • photographie
    Hector Lemieux
  • producteur
    Rex Tasker
  • scénario
    Rex Tasker
  • son
    Claude Pelletier
  • montage
    John Spotton
  • montage sonore
    Victor Merrill
  • ré-enregistrement
    Ron Alexander
    Roger Lamoureux
The White Ship
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