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Why Thee Wed?

2005 50 min
Dernière chance

This documentary profiles the eight couples who challenged marriage laws in British Columbia in court until same-sex marriage was recognized in 2003. As controversy swirls around this issue worldwide, Why Thee Wed? offers surprising and diverse perspectives on what it means for gay and lesbian couples to walk down the aisle and to fight for the right to do so under the law. Why Thee Wed? was produced as part of the Reel Diversity Competition for emerging filmmakers of colour.

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Why Thee Wed?


This documentary profiles the eight couples who challenged marriage laws in British Columbia in court until same-sex marriage was recognized in 2003. As controversy swirls around this issue worldwide, Why Thee Wed? offers surprising and diverse perspectives on what it means for gay and lesbian couples to walk down the aisle and to fight for the right to do so under the law.

Why Thee Wed? was produced as part of the Reel Diversity Competition for emerging filmmakers of colour.

  • réalisateur
    Cal Garingan
  • écriture
    Cal Garingan
  • producteur
    Selwyn Jacob
  • monteur
    Dennis Day
  • prise de vues
    Moira Simpson
    Cal Garingan
  • composition
    Gordon Durity
  • conception sonore
    Gael MacLean
  • supervision du son
    Gael MacLean
  • prise de son
    David Hechenberger
    Jeff Henschel
  • musique additionnelle
    Robyn Traill
  • narrateur
    Cal Garingan
  • consultant au récit
    P.J. Reece
  • assistant au montage
    Andrew Notman
    Neil Thompson
  • consultant
    John Greyson
  • recherche de documents d'archives
    Paula Sawadsky
  • libération des droits musicaux
    Elizabeth Klinck
  • None
    Susan Phillips
    Pamela Pelligrini
    Michael Flanigan
  • photographe - studio
    Rosamond Norbury
  • mixeur du repiquage
    Gashtaseb Ariana
  • studio de réenregistrement
    Leo Sound
  • studio de post-production image
    Finale Editworks
  • commis à la production
    Christine Sears
  • superviseur de production
    Kathryn Lynch
  • agent, marketing
    Kay Leung
  • administrateur de programme
    Bruce Hagerman
  • producteur exécutif
    Rina Fraticelli

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