The best, if not only way, to bring about peace is through education. This playlist includes carefully selected works which are graceful and lucid in their depiction of what a culture of peace looks like. Pour visionner cette sélection en français, cliquez ici. Films in This Playlist Include The Strangest Dream If You Love This Planet Scared Sacred Return to Dresden Uranium
The best, if not only way, to bring about peace is through education. This playlist includes carefully selected works which are graceful and lucid in their depiction of what a culture of peace looks like.
Pour visionner cette sélection en français, cliquez ici.
Films in This Playlist Include
The Strangest Dream
If You Love This Planet
Scared Sacred
Return to Dresden
Au cours de ses 35 ans de carrière, l’honorable Douglas Roche, O.C., auteur, parlementaire et diplomate, s’est spécialisé dans les questions entourant la paix et la sécurité humaine. Il prononce en divers points du globe des conférences sur le thème de la paix et du désarmement nucléaire. Monsieur Roche a été sénateur, membre du parlement, ambassadeur du Canada au désarmement et professeur invité à l’Université de l’Alberta. On l’a élu président du Comité du désarmement des Nations Unies dans le cadre de la 43e Assemblée générale en 1988. Il est l’auteur de dix-neuf ouvrages. Le plus récent, Creative Dissent: A Politician’s Struggle for Peace, renferme ses mémoires et a été publié chez Novalis en 2008. Titulaire de sept doctorats honorifiques que lui ont décernés des universités canadiennes et américaines, Monsieur Roche s’est vu attribuer de nombreuses distinctions pour ses travaux sur la paix et la non-violence, notamment le prix de la Mahatma Gandhi Foundation pour la paix mondiale.
This is a documentary on the life of Jo Rotblat, who mobilized the world’s leading scientists to save the world from nuclear annihilation and won the Nobel Peace Prize for his life-long dedication. Rotblat and the Pugwash movement have inspired thoughtful people everywhere.
“It’s appropriate to be passionate” about ridding the world of nuclear weapons. That’s what world-renowned nuclear disarmament activist Helen Caldicott says in this film. It’s interesting that U.S. President Ronald Reagan said the same thing. But Helen means it.
Award-winning filmmaker Velcrow Ripper searches in a multitude of ground zeros around the world for hope in the darkest places. Whether in Kabul, Palestine, Hiroshima or New York, he finds hope for peace when a decision has been made to choose “the other way” from violence. An appropriate title for a beautiful film.
The carpet bombing of Dresden, Germany in 1945 was a prelude to the massive destruction wrought by the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Forty years later, the city celebrated its renaissance with the opening of a new opera house. One of the guests was a Canadian navigator of one of the bomber planes. Now an ardent peace activist, he discovers the humanity that rose from the rubble.
Buffy Sainte-Marie and Rosalie Bertell in the same film? The Native American singer and the scientist nun expose the risks of mining uranium in the Canadian heartland. The nuclear power defenders get their say, but it’s clear that the cost of mining uranium is too high: it’s the same material that is used to produce nuclear weapons. And the nuclear waste is immensely dangerous.