In this animated short 2 children, Tina and Dalby, disobey their mama with almost tragic consequences. Having strayed away from home, they run afoul of a local "cocoya," a wicked spirit that loves to eat little boys! But through Tina's resourcefulness and cunning, the cocoya is vanquished and the children run back to mama's forgiving arms. Part of the Talespinners collection, which uses vibrant animation to bring popular children’s stories from a wide range of cultural communities to the screen.
In this animated short 2 children, Tina and Dalby, disobey their mama with almost tragic consequences. Having strayed away from home, they run afoul of a local "cocoya," a wicked spirit that loves to eat little boys! But through Tina's resourcefulness and cunning, the cocoya is vanquished and the children run back to mama's forgiving arms.
Part of the Talespinners collection, which uses vibrant animation to bring popular children’s stories from a wide range of cultural communities to the screen.
Dans ce court métrage d’animation, nous voyons que, parfois, les enfants font exactement le contraire de ce qu’on leur dit. Dalby et sa sœur ont été bien prévenus : ils ne doivent pas traverser le pont de leur île des Caraïbes. Lorsqu’ils traversent le pont, ils se retrouvent prisonniers de la méchante cocoya qui veut manger Dalby. Questions pouvant être abordées : Pourquoi les enfants traversent-ils le pont? As-tu déjà désobéi à tes parents? Comment la sœur de Dalby est-elle parvenue à déjouer la cocoya? As-tu eu peur pour les enfants? En quoi cette histoire ressemble-t-elle à celle d’Hansel et Gretel?